Emerging Talent and Future Leaders

Emerging Talent and Future Leadership Identification

Spot and develop future leaders in the organisation as early as possible. Create greater engagement and commitment within the business by developing your talent pipelines with existing colleagues. Reduce risk and build a more resilient organisation by retaining your key talent, knowledge and intellectual property.

Developing an emerging or early talent development programme should be a key strategic imperative for every organisation. One of the top reasons for people leaving an organisation is a perceived lack of career opportunity or progression. What could be more demotivating than seeing people brought in from outside to fill leadership positions? Showing a commitment on the part of the organisation to develop and grow talent from within, from a grass roots level is a great signpost towards a career pathway for individuals. We develop programmes that encourage a self-driven ethos towards development and people driving their own careers. We avoid traditional approaches that pick out a select few 'high-potential' people and disengage everyone else. Our interventions seek to engage all employees and discourage stagnant talent 'pools' of people who think they have already made it.  

Increasingly, intellectual capital is being lost from organisations in a more ‘bottom-up’ way in organisations. Many younger, less senior people now hold a great deal of experience and technical knowledge that is business critical. This isn’t just for traditional high tech companies – as rapid changes in technology spell the end of business as usual for many industries. It is not just a brain-drain from the older, baby-boomer generation that is at risk.